Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Asphalt Tape for Repairs

What is Asphalt Tape?

Asphalt tape is a consistent, specialized tape that is perfect for repairing asphalt and concrete cracks and is flexible enough to adapt to the shape of any defect. Asphalt tape comes in various three-dimensional shapes that conform to irregular shapes without breaking or losing shape due to temperature fluctuations, water, or other environmental factors. With the use of an asphalt-based adhesive, it bonds securely to any surface.

Mistake 1: Not Preparing The Surface

One of the most basic but crucial things to remember before applying asphalt tape is to prepare the surface to ensure that it is clean, dry, and free of debris, dust, and oil. You should avoid applying it over old sealers, coatings, and adhesives, so check that the surface is completely clear. Proper preparation of the surface is critical to the success of any repair Enhance your study and expand your understanding of the subject using this handpicked external material. asphalt tape, uncover fresh viewpoints and supplementary details!

Mistake 2: Not Cutting The Asphalt Tape Correctly

When cutting asphalt tape, it is necessary to use a cutting tool that is appropriate. Use a pair of scissors or a utility knife, for example, to cut tape that is thinner than 60 mils. If the tape is thicker than 60 mils, a saw or a pair of snips should be used. When the tape is cut to the right size, make sure it fits the crack or crevice’s full length without any bulges or tears.

Mistake 3: Not Smoothing The Asphalt Tape

It is critical to smooth the tape after application to ensure a strong bond between the tape and the repaired surface. When using an asphalt-based adhesive, a firm hand press may be all that is required to ensure proper bonding. After the tape has been put and smoothed, however, you might use a hot air gun or a propane torch on a low or medium setting along the surface to activate the adhesive.

Mistake 4: Not Covering The Area

After applying a strip of asphalt tape, use pressure to ensure that the tape has been firmly applied. Not covering the tape may result in the tape being quickly worn down by exposure to the elements, jeopardizing the quality of the repair. Small repair jobs can be done using a hand pressure roller, but larger surfaces will need a tool with greater weight or power.

Mistake 5: Not Applying The Right Amount of Tape

When it comes to using asphalt tape, it is critical to apply the proper amount to guarantee a long-lasting repair. When the crack is too large for a single piece of tape, use enough tape to cover the entire length. Using an insufficient amount of asphalt tape will cause the tape to shrink and stretch over time, allowing water to penetrate the tape, resulting in further damage. Eager to continue investigating the subject?, we’ve picked this for your continued reading.


Asphalt tape is a durable, quick-fix for repairing cracks and crevices in both asphalt and concrete surfaces. Proper surface preparation, precise cutting, smoothing, and adequate application of asphalt tape are the keys to ensuring a successful and long-lasting repair.

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